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Primary Sources

George Lincoln Burr Papers, #14-17-22. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

Andrew Dickson White Papers, #1/2/2. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

Cornell Alumni News Available through Cornell University's eCommons@Cornell. Also searchable through Google; Search on the phrase (in quotation marks) “Cornell Alumni News” and [enter your own keywords]. See especially: January 1963 edition, Cover Story: “Second Youth for a Library.”

Cornell Daily Sun [Keith R. Johnson, Class of 1956, Digital Archive] See especially: October 10, 1962 issue.

Cornell University Digital Archives

Andrew Dickson White. The Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White. New York: The Century Co., 1905. Available in electronic format through Project Gutenberg: Vol. I Vol. II and through the Internet Archive: Vol. I, Vol. II.

Susan Lang. “Behind the McGraw Tower chimes is a story of love and legal wrangling.” Cornell Chronicle, February 11, 1999.

Secondary Sources

Morris Bishop. A History of Cornell. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1962.

Mark Dimunation and Elaine D. Engst. A Legacy of Ideas: Andrew Dickson White and the Founding of the CornellUniversity Library. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Library, 1996.

Elaine D. Engst, “Cornell University

Elaine D. Engst, “Cornell’s Twelve Presidents: Andrew Dickson White,” from: Legacy of Leadership: Cornell’s Presidents (electronic exhibition).

Waterman T. Hewitt. Cornell University: A History. New York: University Publishing Society, 1905.

Carol Kammen. Cornell: Glorious to View. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Library, 2003. Selected text available through Cornell University’s eCommons@cornell.

Marikar, Sheila Yasmin, ’05 “A Piece of Tradition: Cornell Chimes” Connecting with Cornell: News from the Office of the Vice Provost for Research

Ed McKeown. The Cornell Chimes: In Celebration of the Hundredth Anniversary of McGraw Tower. Ithaca , N.Y. : Cornell University, 1991.

Kermit Carlyle Parsons. The Cornell Campus: A History of Its Planning and Development. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1968.

Katherine Reagan, “Cornell’s First University Librarian,” from: The Passionate Collector: Willard Fiske and His Libraries (electronic exhibition).

Katherine Reagan, “Founding Collections: Andrew Dickson White,” and “Founding Collections: Arthur H. Dean & Mary Marden Dean” from: In the Founders’ Footsteps: Builders of the Cornell University Library (electronic exhibition).

Albert W. Smith, ed. The Bells of Cornell. Ithaca , N.Y. : Cayuga Press, 1930.

Ronald John Williams. Jennie McGraw Fiske: Her Influence Upon Cornell University. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1949.

Web Sources

The Cornell Chimes

Cornell University Virtual Tour: Libraries

This Is,” by Alex Silver ’11 and Jon Tai ’11, a tribute by graduating seniors.

Library Limbo: Study-time cycles in Uris Library with 1920’s style animation. A student project made at Cornell University in Lynn Tomlinson’s Film 325 summer course.

A. D. White Library's beauty timeless, but not effortless. Conservation of art and artifacts in the A. D. White Library

A. D White Library Portrait Paintings: Conservation and Cleaning


Historic photographs of the Cornell University campus, from the Cornell University Archives, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections