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Apples and Pears

Text stored with apple and pear illustrations
This card of text accompanies the apple and pear illustrations that Vavilov presented to Professor Wellington.

The illustrations on this page were presented by Nikolai Vavilov to Professor Richard Wellington during the 6th International Genetics Conference. They depict a variety of apples and pears discovered in central Asia and the Caucasus on Vavilov's plant-finding expeditions. We believe the final images were produced by J.S. Lawson from field drawings made by Vavilov; this is, however, conjecture based on the credits given on the illustrations.

According to a card of text accompanying the apples and pears, Vavilov believed they would not be published in his home country. This would indicate that even as early as 1932 - eight years before his arrest - the geneticist had begun the task of getting his work away from the Stalinist censors in the U.S.S.R..

The Wild Apples of Caucasus
The Wild Pears of North Caucusus
The Wild Pears of North Caucusus (2)
The Wild Apples of Middle Asia
The Wild Apples of Middle Asia (2)
The Wild Pears of Middle Asia

Scans of these illustrations are available from the Biodiversity Heritage Library.